Meteorological Instruments
Marine Instruments
Environmental Protection Equipments
Meteorological Industry
Marine Industry
Environmental Protection Industry
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Meteorological Instruments
Vertical Profile Detection
Black Carbon / Aerosol
Lightning Tracker
Large UAV Detection
Ultra-Small Sonde
Small UAV Detection
Sampling and Others
Marine Instruments
Physical Oceanography
Marine Biology
Marine Chemistry
Ocean Physics
Polar Observation
Environmental Protection Equipments
Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas
Black Carbon/Aerosol Monitoring
Atmospheric Remote Sensing
Marine Water Quality Monitoring
Freshwater Quality Monitoring
Meteorological Industry
Marine Industry
Environmental Protection Industry
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Industry News
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Meteorological Instruments
Vertical Profile Detection
Microwave Radiometer (SMR-100)
Microwave Radiometer (SMR-100)
Doppler Wind Profile Lidar (WindPrint)
Doppler wind profile Lidar (WindPrint)
Meter Scatter Aerosol Lidar (MPL-5000)
Meter Scatter Aerosol Lidar(MPL-5000)
Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer (MP-3000A)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-PRO)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-PRO)
Ceilometer CHM 15k Nimbus (CHM 15K)
All Sky Imager (SRF-04)
Automatic Sun Tracking Photometer (CE318)
Mini Micro Pulse LiDAR (MiniMPL)
Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer
Black Carbon / Aerosol
Scanning Electrical Mobility Spectrometer (SEMS)
Scanning Electrical Mobility Spectrometer (SEMS)
Humidified Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA)
Humidified Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA)
Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS-5)
Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS-5)
Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (UHSAS-G)
Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (UHSAS-G)
Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2)
Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2)
Single Particle Soot Photometer – Extended Range (SP2-XR)
Single Particle Soot Photometer – Extended Range (SP2-XR)
Photoacoustic Extinctiometer (PAX)
Photoacoustic Extinctiometer(PAX)
Tricolor Absorption Photometer (TAP)
Tricolor Absorption Photometer (TAP)
Single Channel Tricolor Absorption Photometer (STAP)
Ceilometer CHM 15k Nimbus (CHM 15K)
Ceilometer CHM 15k Nimbus (CHM 15K)
All Sky Imager (SRF-04)
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter (CCN)
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter (CCN)
Spectrometer for Ice Nuclei (SPIN)
Fog Monitor (FM-120)
Fog Monitor (FM-120)
2D-Video-Distrometer (2DVD)
2D-Video-Distrometer (2DVD)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-PRO)
Micro Rain Radar (MRR-PRO)
Meteorological Particle Spectrometer (MPS)
Meteorological Particle Spectrometer (MPS)
Ground-based Fog & Aerosol Spectrometer with Polarization Detection (GFAS-DPOL)
Ground-based Fog & Aerosol Spectrometer with Polarization Detection (GFAS-DPOL)
Lightning Tracker
Earth Net Work Total Lightning Meter (ENTLS)
Earth Net Work Total Lightning Meter (ENTLS)
Large UAV Detection
Cloud Combination Probe (CCP)
Cloud Combination Probe (CCP)
Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (PCASP-100X)
Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (PCASP-100X)
Precipitation Imaging Probe (PIP)
Precipitation Imaging Probe (PIP)
Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP)
Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP)
Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP-2)
Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP-2)
Cloud, Aerosol, and Precipitation Spectrometer with Depolarization (CAPS)
Cloud, Aerosol, and Precipitation Spectrometer with Depolarization(CAPS)
Hot-Wire Liquid Water Content Sensor (LWC-300)
Hot-Wire Liquid Water Content Sensor (LWC-300)
Multi-Element Water Content System (WCM)
Multi-Element Water Content System (WCM)
Cloud Water Inertial Probe (CWIP)
Cloud Water Inertial Probe (CWIP)
Aircraft-Integrated Meteorological Measurement System (AIMMS)
Aircraft Integrated Meteorological Measurement System (AIMMS)
Back-Scatter Cloud Probe (BCP)
Back-Scatter Cloud Probe (BCP)
Back-scatter Cloud Probe with Polarization Detection (BCPD)
Back-scatter Cloud Probe with Polarization Detection (BCPD)
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter (CCN)
Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS-5)
Meter Scatter Aerosol Lidar (MPL-5000)
Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (UHSAS-G)
Photoacoustic Extinctiometer (PAX)
Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2)
Mini Micro Pulse LiDAR (MiniMPL)
Pumped Counterflow Virtual Impactor (PCVI)
Isokinetic Inlet System (ISO)
Aircraft-based Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet System (CVI)
Ultra-Small Sonde
Radiosonde (Windsond)
Radiosonde (Windsond)
Small UAV Detection
Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP-2) for UAV
Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP-2) for UAV
Hot-Wire Liquid Water Content Sensor(LWC-300)for UAV
Hot-Wire Liquid Water Content Sensor (LWC-300) for UAV
Multi-angle Inerial Probe (MIP)
Miniaturized Scanning Electrical Mobility Sizer (mSEMS)
Miniaturized Scanning Electrical Mobility Sizer (mSEMS)
Single Channel Tricolor Absorption Photometer (STAP)
Single Channel Tricolor Absorption Photometer (STAP)
Advanced Mixing Condensation Particle Counter (aMCPC)
Advanced Mixing Condensation Particle Counter (aMCPC)
Miniaturized Optical Particle Counter (mOPC)
Miniaturized Optical Particle Counter (mOPC)
Filter Sampler (9401)
Filter Sampler (9401)
Sampling and Others
Ground-based Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet System (GCVI)
Ground-based Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet (GCVI)
Aerosol Generator (AG)
Aerosol Generator (AG)
Aerosol Generation System (AGS)
Aerosol Generation System (AGS)
Particle into Liquid Sampler (PILS)
Particle into Liquid Sampler (PILS)
Thermodenuder (3105)
Thermodenuder (3105)
Mixing Condensation Particle Counter (MCPC)
Mixing Condensation Particle Counter (MCPC)
Marine Instruments
Physical Oceanography
Self-contained Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Recorder)
Direct Reading Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Reader)
Direct Reading Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Reader)
Self-contained Temperature & Depth Sensor (Stereo TD Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature & Depth Sensor (Stereo TD Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature Sensor (Mono T Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature Sensor (Mono T Recorder)
Direct Reading Temperature Sensor (Mono T Reader)
Direct Reading Temperature Sensor (Mono T Reader)
OEM Temperature Sensor (Pluger T Reader)
OEM Temperature Sensor (Pluger T Reader)
OEM Depth Sensor (Pluger D Reader)
OEM Depth Sensor (Pluger D Reader)
Navigational Thermohaline Depth Profiler (UCTD)
Navigational Thermohaline Depth Profiler (UCTD)
McLANE Moored Profiler (MMP)
McLane Moored Profiler(MMP)
Self-contained Wave Tide Gauge (Stereo WT recorder)
Self-contained Wave Tide Gauge (Stereo WT recorder)
Profiling Crawler (Prawler)
Profiling Crawler (Prawler)
Autonomous Oceanographic ARGO Profiling Float (PROVOR)
Autonomous Oceanographic ARGO Profiling Float (PROVOR)
Coastal Profiling Float (ARVOR C)
Coastal Profiling Float (ARVOR C)
Autonomous ARGO profiling float (ARVOR I/L)
Autonomous ARGO profiling float (ARVOR I/L)
Compact Autonomous ARGO Profiling Float (ARVOR DEEP)
Compact Autonomous ARGO Profiling Float (ARVOR DEEP)
Wave And Surface Current Monitoring System
Wave And Surface Current Monitoring System
FlowQuest Acoustic Current Profilers (ADCP)
FlowQuest Acoustic Current Profilers (ADCP)
Bi-directional Spherical Drifting Buoy (iSPHERE)
Bi-directional Spherical Drifting Buoy (iSPHERE)
iSVP Drifting Buoy (iSVP)
iSVP Drifting Buoy (iSVP)
Surface Velocity Program (SVP) Drifting Buoy
Surface Velocity Program (SVP) Drifting Buoy
The PABLO Iridium Profiling Acoustic Float
The PABLO Iridium Profiling Acoustic Float
Oceanographic Autonomous Subsurface Profiling Float (NOVA)
Oceanographic Autonomous Subsurface Profiling Float (NOVA)
Ice Navigator Detection System
Ice Navigator Detection System
The Marine Recovery System-Multifunction Node
The Marine Recovery System-Multifunction Node
Syntactic Float
Syntactic Float
Wire Rope
Kevlar Rope
Kevlar Rope
Low Resistance Oval Floats
Bottom Mounts System
Bottom Mounts System
Glass Flotation (G6600)
Glass Flotation (G6600)
Glass Flotation (G2200)
Glass Flotation (G2200)
Glass Flotation (G8800)
Glass Flotation (G8800)
Steel Subsurface Flotation
Steel Subsurface Flotation
Glass Instrument Housing
Glass Instrument Housing
Mooring Recovery Float
Mooring Recovery Float
Stretch EM Cable
Stretch EM Cable
EM Chain
EM Chain
LinePak-Marine Recovery System
LinePak-Marine Recovery System
Passive Marine Recovery System
Passive Marine Recovery System
Marine Biology
Robotic Cartridge Sampling Instrument
Robotic Cartridge Sampling Instrument
Imaging Particle Analysis System
Dynamic Imaging Particle Analysis System
Autonomous Multisensors Oceanographic Profiling Float (CTS4&CTS5)
Autonomous Multisensors Oceanographic Profiling Float (CTS4&CTS5)
Particle and Phytoplankton Sampler (PPS)
Particle and Phytoplankton Sampler (PPS)
Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB)
Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB)
Environmental Sample Processor (ESP)
Marine Chemistry
Turbidity, Chlorophyll A, Phycoblue/globin Smart Sensors
Turbidity, Chlorophyll A,Phycoblue/globin Smart Sensors
Automatic Profile Nutrient Analyzer (APNA)
Automatic Profile Nutrient Analyzer(APNA)
Automatic pH Detector for Solid
Automatic pH Detector For solid
Parflux Sediment Trap (Mark 78H-21)
Parflux Sediment Trap(Mark 78H-21)
Water Transfer System (WTS-LV)
Water Transfer System(WTS-LV)
Remote Access Sampler (RAS-500)
Remote Access Sampler(RAS-500)
Ocean CO2/ pH Sensor
Ocean pCO
/pH Sensor
Versatile System For Operational Water Monitoring
Versatile System For Operational Water Monitoring(Ferry Box)
Ocean Physics
Oceanographic Beacon
Oceanographic Beacon
NOVATECH Radio Beacon & Receiver
NOVATECH Radio Beacon & Receiver
NOVATECH Xenon Flasher
NOVATECH Xenon Flasher
NavQuest Doppler Velocity Log (DVL)
NavQuest Doppler Velocity Log(DVL)
Acoustic Release & Universal Top Side
Acoustic Release & University Top Side
SoundLink Underwater Acoustic Modem (UWM)
SoundLink Underwater Acoustic Modem(UWM)
TrackLink USBL Tracking System (TrackLink)
TrackLink USBL Tracking System(TrackLink)
Polar Observation
Ice Tethered Profiler (ITP)
Ice Tethered Profiler(ITP)
Argo Profiling Float for Polar Regions (SPI)
Argo Profiling Float For Polar Regions (SPI)
Bi-Directional Spherical Marker Beacon (Polar iSVP)
Bi-Directional Spherical Marker Beacon(Polar ISVP)
Compact Air-Launched Ice Beacon
Compact Air-Launched Ice Beacon
Ice Mass Balance (IMB)
Ice Mass Balance (IMB)
Ice Balance (IB)
Ice Balance(IB)
Polar Ocean Profiling System (POPS)
Polar Ocean Profile System(POPS)
Ice Beacons
Ice Beacons
CAD Polar Beacon
CAD Polar Beacon
Environmental Protection Equipments
Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer (GLA331-GGA)
Nitrous Oxide/ Carbon Monoxide Analyzer (GLA351-N2OCM)
Carbon Monoxide/ Carbon Dioxide/ Methane Analyzer (GLA331-MCEA1)
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer (GLA131-GGA)
Soil Flux Analyzer (GLA132-SOFX1/SOFX2)
Greenhouse Gas Analyzers – UAV-microportable (GLA133-GGA)
Carbon Dioxide Isotopic Analyzer (GLA431- CCIA2)
Black Carbon/Aerosol Monitoring
Meter Scatter Aerosol Lidar (MPL-5000)
Meter Scatter Aerosol Lidar(MPL-5000)
Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2)
Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2)
Single Particle Soot Photometer – Extended Range (SP2-XR)
Single Particle Soot Photometer – Extended Range (SP2-XR)
Photoacoustic Extinctiometer (PAX)
Photoacoustic Extinctiometer(PAX)
Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS-5)
Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS-5)
Scanning Electrical Mobility Spectrometer (SEMS)
Scanning Electrical Mobility Spectrometer (SEMS)
Humidified Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA)
Humidified Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA)
Tricolor Absorption Photometer (TAP)
Tricolor Absorption Photometer (TAP)
Single Channel Tricolor Absorption Photometer (STAP)
Single Channel Tricolor Absorption Photometer (STAP)
Atmospheric Remote Sensing
Microwave Radiometer (SMR-100)
Microwave Radiometer (SMR-100)
Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer (MP-3000A)
Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer (MP-3000A)
Meter Scatter Aerosol Lidar (MPL-5000)
Meter Scatter Aerosol Lidar(MPL-5000)
Fog Monitor (FM-120)
Ground-based Fog & Aerosol Spectrometer with Polarization Detection (GFAS-DPOL)
Automatic Sun Tracking Photometer (CE318)
Mini Micro Pulse LiDAR (MiniMPL)
Mini Micro Pulse LiDAR (MiniMPL)
Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS NEO)
Marine Water Quality Monitoring
OEM Depth Sensor (Pluger D Reader)
OEM Depth Sensor (Pluger D Reader)
Navigational Thermohaline Depth Profiler (UCTD)
Navigational Thermohaline Depth Profiler (UCTD)
Automatic Profile Nutrient Analyzer (APNA)
Automatic Profile Nutrient Analyzer(APNA)
Self-contained Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Recorder)
Direct Reading Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Reader)
Direct Reading Temperature Salt Depth Sensor (Tutti CTD Reader)
Self-contained Temperature & Depth Sensor (Stereo TD Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature & Depth Sensor (Stereo TD Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature Sensor (Mono T Recorder)
Self-contained Temperature Sensor (Mono T Recorder)
Direct Reading Temperature Sensor (Mono T Reader)
Direct Reading Temperature Sensor (Mono T Reader)
OEM Temperature Sensor (Pluger T Reader)
OEM Temperature Sensor (Pluger T Reader)
Automatic pH Detector for Solid
Automatic pH Detector For solid
Turbidity, Chlorophyll A, Phycoblue/globin Smart Sensors
Turbidity, Chlorophyll A,Phycoblue/globin Smart Sensors
Self-contained Wave Tide Gauge (Stereo WT recorder)
Self-contained Wave Tide Gauge (Stereo WT recorder)
Water Transfer System (WTS-LV)
Water Transfer System(WTS-LV)
Parflux Sediment Trap (Mark 78H-21)
Parflux Sediment Trap(Mark 78H-21)
Dynamic Imaging Particle Analysis System(Flowcam 8000)
Imaging Particle Analysis System (Flowcam 5000)
Environmental Sample Processor (ESP)
Versatile System For Operational Water Monitoring
Versatile System For Operational Water Monitoring(Ferry Box)
Freshwater Quality Monitoring
Automatic Profile Nutrient Analyzer (APNA)
Automatic Profile Nutrient Analyzer(APNA)
Turbidity, Chlorophyll A, Phycoblue/globin Smart Sensors
Turbidity, Chlorophyll A,Phycoblue/globin Smart Sensors
Fog Monitor (FM-120)
Fog Monitor (FM-120)
Ground-based Fog & Aerosol Spectrometer with Polarization Detection (GFAS-DPOL)
Ground-based Fog & Aerosol Spectrometer with Polarization Detection (GFAS-DPOL)
Meteorological Industry
Cloud-Water Aerosol Stereo Detection System
Ground-based Cloud Condensation Nucleus and Ice Nucleus Detection System
Monitoring system of mountain cloud and fog generation and elimination process
3D Lightning Positioning Vertical Observation System
Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Joint Observation System
Cloud water and aerosol drone detection system
Laboratory detection and analysis system for black carbon particles
Airborne Atmospheric Sounding System
Unmanned aerial vehicle meteorological environment remote sensing monitoring system
Marine Industry
On-line monitoring system for the bank base of the river entering the sea
Ocean Acidification Measurement System Scheme
Submarine system scheme
Environmental Protection Industry
Scale the heights and forge ahead | Shallow Sea Technology 2025 New Year Annual Meeting successfully concluded
Protect the Marine ecological environment and promote sustainable development | Shallow Sea Technology participated in the 2024 Marine Ecological Environment Protection and Monitoring Technology Seminar
Shaahai Technology participated in the 2024 academic exchange meeting of the Meteorological, Hydrographic and Oceanic Instruments Branch of China Instrumentation Society
Shallow Sea Technology to participate in 2024 OA Ocean Exhibition
Congrats! Hangzhou Shallow Sea Technology was awarded the national specialized special new "little giant" enterprise
The shallow Sea Water Quality Automatic Monitoring system (SWQMS-3000S) passed the instrument performance and field test of the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center
Meteorological technology enables the development of low-altitude economic industries, and the first low-altitude economic meteorological Frontier Technology Seminar was held in Shenzhen
Good news | Shallow Sea Technology was awarded 2024 Zhejiang Province Specialized Special New Small and Medium Enterprises
Shallow Sea Technology participated in the first China-Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum smart meteorological equipment exhibition
The two-dimensional visual raindrop spectrometer independently developed by Shallow Sea Technology helps the key research and development task of Xinjiang "Research and application of key technologies for fine detection of cloud water resources and artificial water enhancement in Alpine Mountains"
Shallow Sea Technology participated in the first "China Cloud and Low Altitude economic Meteorological Service" academic seminar
Shallow sea Technology participated in the second session of weather modification technology and equipment high-quality development exhibition exchange
Mr. Tong Haiming, general manager of Shallow Sea Technology, won the 2023 Talent Award of Science and Technology Award of China Meteorological Service Association
Shallow-sea spotlight | World Meteorological Day at the forefront of climate action
Shallow Sea Technology 2024 DMT related equipment operation and maintenance capacity improvement training will be successfully held
Shallow sea technology domestic meteorological equipment to help the "fourteen winter" meteorological service guarantee
| Shallow Sea Science and Technology Marine Meteorological Drifting Observatory (SOB17BS) won the "Meteorological Special Technical equipment use License"
The company participated in the founding meeting of the Aviation Meteorological Professional Committee of China Meteorological Service Association and the first Aviation Meteorological Industry Development Forum
Shallow sea Technology drone probe to help Xinjiang weather modification operation first flight data collection
Strengthen Marine brand strength! Shallow sea Technology to participate in 2023 China Marine Economy Expo
World Meteorological Center (Beijing) Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Branch Center officially launched! | 2023 Guangzhou Smart Meteorological Equipment Exhibition will be held in the same period
| Shallow Sea Technology's domestic meteorological equipment helps accurate forecast and early warning of weather changes during the 2023 Hangzhou Asian (residual) Games
Join hands with all sectors of the ocean to build a blue future! OA2023 Ocean Exhibition shallow sea technology domestic equipment has attracted much attention
Help digital Marine strategic layout! DITTO Summit 2023 - DITTO Summit 2023
Shallow sea technology appeared at the National Meteorological and Food Security Academic Seminar and the 2023 National Agrometeorological Technology Exchange Meeting
Shallow sea Technology participated in the 2023 academic exchange meeting of the Meteorological, Hydrographic and Oceanic Instruments Branch of the China Instrumentation Society
| Xu Xiaofeng, President of China Meteorological Service Association, and his delegation visited Qiahai Science and Technology for investigation and exchange
Shallow sea technology exhibition 2023 (8th) Qingdao International Marine Science and Technology Exhibition
Shallow Sea Technology participates in the 7th China Meteorological Equipment and Service Exhibition of the 20th China-Asean Expo
The 6th National Ocean Technology Conference and International Ocean Technology Exhibition (OT 2023)
Shallow sea Technology debuted in 2023 the third Civil Aviation Technology Equipment and Service Exhibition
Shallow Sea Technology participated in the fifth National Conference on Icing and deicing
Shallow Sea Technology participated in the third Academic Conference on Atmospheric Environment Remote Sensing and Collaborative Analysis
2023 "Shallow Sea Science and Technology" Cup Shanxi Meteorological Science Popularization Contest held in Taiyuan
Fu can science and technology, innovation-driven | the 21st session of China international environmental protection exhibition (CIEPEC2023) successfully held in Beijing
Assigned to the fifth seafloor observatory science conference of Marine science and technology development | main report meeting
2023 "Weather, Climate and Water Generation to the Future" theme activities of the World Meteorological Day successfully concluded
Shallow Sea Technology appeared in Xi 'an Weather Modification Equipment (technology) high-quality development forum
Shallow Sea Technology 2023 first exhibition successfully concluded!
Honor to broadcast | shallow sea science and technology in China meteorological services association of industry of credit rating evaluation was awarded "AAA grade credit enterprise"
"Kechuang fu can, share deep shallow | technology domestic ocean series products China Marine economy expo 2022
Green, low-carbon and high-quality development, the fourth China International Marine Ranching and Fishery Expo of Shoal Technology has come to a successful conclusion
In the future of smart ocean innovation, the localization of shallow sea technology is forging ahead
Product recommendation | CTD series products
Shallow-sea technology SP2 helped Liu Dantong Research team of Zhejiang University publish the latest research on the optical absorption effect of black carbon aerosol
Hangzhou Shallow-sea Technology Co., Ltd. participated in CMHE2022
Product Recommendation | Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer SMR-100
Letter of thanks丨Shallow-sea Technology contributes to the 2022 Beijing "Double Olympics"
Secretary-General Shao Jun of Hangzhou National Defense Science and Technology Industry Association and his party visited Shallow-sea Technology for investigation and research
ABB LGR-ICOS UAV-based methane flux detection and quantification
Director Li Liangxu of the Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration and his delegation visited Shallow-sea Technology for guidance and inspection
Shallow-sea Technology Celebration Mid-Autumn Festival Themed Activities Successfully Concluded
Hubei Meteorological Bureau and Shallow-sea Technology reach cooperation in the transformation of scientific research achievements
Zheng Ning, vice president of Hangzhou Dianzi University, led a team to visit Shallow-sea Technology
The mid-year activity of "Going all out, surpassing yourself, walking together, and creating greater glories" was successfully carried out
Shallow-sea Technology made its debut at CIEPEC2021 with new products independently developed!
Leaders of Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau visited Shallow-sea Technology to instructive work
Shallow-sea Technology’s Dragon-boat Festival Actiitives of super "love" you
“Gathering in the Greater Bay Area to discuss the new weather”China High-tech Expo on Meteorological Modernization 2021 that Shallow-sea Technology attended was successfully concluded
Get the latest CP combo! Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology and Shallow-sea Technology reach Agreement on Quality Employment
New product to the market! Open a new era of Shallow-sea with one click
Highlights from the May Exhibition & Forum of Hangzhou Shallow-sea Technology
Shallow-sea Technology invites you to attend the 2020 Annual Conference of Meteorology and Hydrology
Open Cooperation, Win-win and Sharing! Create nameplate of Shallow-sea under the help of CMEE!
2020 WieTec! The conference is over but the spirit is last forever!
Assist in the joint scientific experiment of Meiyu Front rainstorm in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in 2020, and Call for the core meteorological equipment
Salute to The Meteorologists,Celebrate World Meteorological Day
Shallow-sea Technology getting back to work today offically!
Hardcore Moment Belong To You!
Shallow-sea Technology participate in The 16th Cross-strait Workshop for Aerosol Science and Technology
Shallow-sea Technology participate in The 7th OI China (Shanghai International Marine Technology and Engineering Equipement Exhibition)
First Look▕ Highlights from the November Exhibition of Hangzhou Shallow-sea Technology
MP-3000A Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer escorts air quality monitoring for Wuhan Military Games
Experiment with getting a little bit of minerals for a year
Hangzhou Shallow-Sea is about to appear at the 8th Cross-Strait Coral Reef Symposium, pay attention to the disappearing coral reefs together!
Home Party!Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
2019 mid-term meeting丨Thanks for having you all the way
Product latest news of DMT|Shallow-Sea Technology and DMT Manufacturer Representative Exchange Meeting
Shallow-Sea Technology assisted "Dongfanghong 3" in the trial voyage
"Minions" MMP, the northern part of the South China Sea shows its strength
Letter of Thanks丨Hangzhou Shallow-Sea contributes to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
World Earth Day丨Don't say it has nothing to do with you
Shallow-Sea Technology debuts at GOA-ON International Symposium
The leader of blue technology - Shallow-Sea Technology participated in CMHE EXPO2019
Shallow-Sea Technology's 2019 New Year Annual Meeting ended successfully
Shallow-Sea Technology assisted the successful completion of the 3rd Bioaerosol Symposium
"Winter Killer" is on the line, bio-aerosol "know how much"
Shallow-seaTechnology participated in the 35th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Meteorological Society
Shallow-sea Technology debuts in Xi'an AGU JING Meeting
【Argo Buoy Updates】Representatives of NKE manufacturers visited and communicated
Shallow Sea Technology helps Sun Yat-Sen University successfully complete the South China Sea Science Examination
Have friends come from afar!
Prevention and control of marine micro-plastics, shallow sea technology has a coup!
Concentrate on the power, set off on the ground - the 2018 annual meeting of the shallow sea technology wonderful performance
CTD Winches: Straight Pull VS Trailed
"Independent Innovation, Ocean power" -- shallow sea technology at the Qingdao OI Exhibition 2017
With the help of ASEAN EXPO platform, build the international image of Hangzhou shallow sea enterprises
Meet Haike exhibition, build a shallow sea dream
Stepping on the youthful melody, igniting the dream of youth - remembering the shallow-sea science and technology group building activities
Shallow-sea Technology was invited to participate in the National Marine Sensor Technology Exchange Conference of Tongji University
Shallow-Sea Technology Co.,Ltd. with meteorological products appeared in Guangzhou China meteorological science and technology exhibition
Shallow-Sea Technology Co.,Ltd. invites you to gather at 2017 Qingdao International Ocean Technology and Engineering Equipment Exhibition (OI China)
Strive for innovation and seek common development
Join Us
T1-11F, Herui Science and Technology Park, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Meteorological Instruments
Marine Instruments
Environmental Protection Equipments
Meteorological Industry
Marine Industry
Environmental Protection Industry
© Hangzhou Shallow-Sea Technology Co., LTD.
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